Friday, June 24, 2016


I am absolutely and completely spent!

After 4.5 months I am off the ship and in my hotel in Miami for the next 7 days for a conference.  This is the shortest contract  I've done and the hardest and busiest so far. I am completely spent and exhausted.  Audit after audit, drama and more drama and HR disasters.

Now I have 7 days to recuperate and then I am off to cruise as a passenger with my family. Most of my friends have signed off now so the last few weeks have been just me and my insomnia.

It's been a while since I posted but here are a few photos to catch you up.

The Entertainment Director and I headed the Oscar Committee and we put together a most epic night. We organized an Oscar Night for the crew. It took us a whole month to do it but the event was epic and I am sure no one will forget it.

The rest of my contract was spent battling insomnia and trying to deal with all the audits and office visits.   Truth be told that I had very little time for social activities this time around. We did have a Bollywood party which by the way I totally rocked in my gorgeous sapphire blue sari.

I also finished teaching the College of Management. It is so much work but so rewarding and I just absolutely love facilitating classes!

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