I know this post is meant for kids but it made me think of something else.
Someone brought to my attention that others are making comments about her weight. Now this was a beautiful and fit person but yet the comments were affecting her in a negative way and she was really bothered by them.
I started to pay more attention to the comments people made towards me. Now i never really paid attention to them before as my confidence does not come from others' opinions of me. I noticed that people were making comments all the time. Comments like 'you are bigger then before', 'are you not going to the gym anymore?', 'you are less fat/more fat then last contract', 'she was big like you' I even got 'you are the biggest I have seen you' etc.
When I asked some female friends if people ever make comments about their appearance one of them said 'my paisanos tell me I am fat every day'.
People, this is not okay.
We don't comment on one's religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc. yet people make comments like this? It is not okay to make comments about someone's body regardless of their shape, size, weight, height, appearance etc.
Personally I am confident and I don't care what others think BUT there are many people who really suffer when comments like these are made.
The point I am trying to make is