Monday, October 12, 2015

Seaman's prayer

In the passing of this Hurricane Joaquin, we were re-routed. We got news that one ship, El Faro was lost at sea.

El Faro was on a very similar route to us, sailing from Florida to Puerto Rico just how we were. Except we were all safe and they were not.

I mentioned it to my team and we thought about them and their families. We thought about the sacrifices that they made to give their families a better life and we thought about how precious life is.  We are sailors too, this could have been us.

We decided to do a minute of silence and to pray for them. A few of us got together and did a prayer and kept these lost sailors in our thoughts. I am a catholic by tradition but Buddhist by choice but I recognize all prayer and spirituality. Our monent of silence and prayer was beautiful, humbling and somber. This was our prayer.

Shortly after our prayer I went to my cabin to change. I heard an announcement. We had found wreckage,it was El Faro.

Rest in peace my fellow sailors, rest in peace El Faro.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Puerto Rico, Isla del encanto

One of my favourite places on the planet, San Juan Puerto Rico. Love this place!!!

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Boss lady

This is what a modern day female senior office looks like ⚓️⚓️⚓️


The best thing about my job always has been and always will be the amazing people I get to meet. The people you surround yourself with can make or break your contract. I have been so fortunate to meet this beautiful souls. Some are dear old friends and some are new but all really special to me.