Monday, October 22, 2007

random quotes....

A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students.
-- John Ciardi

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
-- Virginia Woolf

Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
-- Laurence J. Peter

The most powerful country in the world

Friday, October 05, 2007

Customer Service

Since i'm a Customer Service whote, I thought I'd share this with you:

Touching story.....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

-- English proverb

You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.

-- Malcolm Forbes (1919-1990) American Publisher

You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
-- Michael Pritchard

You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.
-- Woody Allen

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
-- Mark Twain

Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else's can shorten it.
-- Cullen Hightower

A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top.
-- Unknown

Nothing can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own.
-- Sidney J. Harris

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.
-- Robert Frost

The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money.
-- David Richerby

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.
-- Henry Cate VII

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
-- e e cummings

To err is human--and to blame it on a computer is even more so.
-- Robert Orben

Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president.
-- Johnny Carson