so i am the youngest corporate trainer and the only one that hasn't worked on a cruise line before so all this shit is brand new to me. a lot of technical naval terms to learn ,that gives me a freakin headache. i'm training with 2 other canadian girls, an australian girl and a jamaican one. i met the president of the company on monday and the vp yesterday, they're pretty laid back and it seems like the whole company is pretty much like that. they have some wicked incentives for staying around with the company. oh yeah and for those of you who are all of a suddent my best friends hahahhah i do get discounts on cruises and hotels and stuff but that comes after half a year with the company. my parentals get to cruise for free 3 weeks out of the year (little bro, if you're good to mom and dad when i am away, you get to come too). friday i was suppose to be off to L.A. for my shipboard training but due to some coast guard rules they can't fit all of us on the ship right now so i am getting sent to mobile, alabama. they got some crazy rules gwonin already, like i can't speak any other language but english while i am on board and i have been warned against all the married italian and spanish captains cause i am supposedly prime target cause i'm a blondie. i have to get certified in all sorts of stuff like safety and crisis management, teaching english etc. good thing the passing mark is 86%!!!! i'm getting spoiled cause apparently since i am a manager, someone else does my laundry and cleans up my cabin. carnival head office is pimping, its got everything in it including its own gym with personal trainers and its own bank. yestserday i went to a miami heat vs toronto raptors b-ball game and as you may have already guessed i was the only person cheering for toronto. not only do i owe my friends beer now, i was mortified cause we got creamed and i almost got my ass whooped for cheering on the non-miami team. anyways, i am off to alabama on saturday for 9 days, back in miami for 2, off to L.A. for 2 weeks then back to miami.....dang!